Our very own Dr. Deena Kuruvilla and Dr. Cynthia Armand from the Montefiore Headache Center have been featured on Science Insider and Yahoo. In this video feature, they debunk common myths about headache disorders and migraine. Have you ever thought migraine is just a headache?

Watch the full video at Yahoo over here to see why this isn’t here:

Here are the ELEVEN common myths which are debunked in this feature:

  1. Migraine is just a headache.
  2. Caffeine causes headaches.
  3. Migraine can be cured.
  4. A nap will cure your headache.
  5. Dehydration is the most common cause of headaches.
  6. The best way to cure a hangover is hangover food.
  7. Taking advil will always treat headaches and migraine.
  8. All migraine attacks are the same.
  9. Migraine attacks and headache disorders only happen on one side of the head.
  10. Having a headache means something is wrong with your body.
  11. Mental health has nothing to do with migraine.

As always, it’s important to stay informed on migraines! Happy holidays – Dr. K

Published On: December 16th, 2021